Tuesday, March 22, 2011

thanks for the extra cash, mr. douchebag!

my client, whom i'll refer to as mr. douchebag here, has been late to pay our monthly invoice for the seven thousandth time. this time it's 22 days late and counting so i gave him the obligatory nudge today. he promised he'd get to it by the end o' the day. so several hours later i received a note from him questioning my numbers (the nerve!!!). he thought they were on the high side. so i begrudgingly checked my numbers again, and lo and behold i was wrong... i was actually SHORT by around $13K!!!! i apparently forgot to add an entire campaign's worth of calls to my query when i created the original invoice. what the fuck!!!

anyway, i just sent the new, higher invoice to mr. douchebag. i can't imagine he'll be too happy about it.

but F him, he's the one that was late. lucky for me that he complained about it, or i never would have found the error!

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