Monday, February 21, 2011

today's horoscope

according to today's horoscope on MyYahoo, that bastion of clairvoyance...

"You're good with a crowd. You know how to tell jokes, shake hands and remember names. Today you'll very likely be doing all three. Even if it feels harder than it looks, it's good to put yourself out there. Don't overstrain yourself, though. Just go out there and trust your natural abilities. You might be surprised at how much easier it can be when you don't really make an effort. Some things, you know, are like that!"

in actuality, i'm horrid with crowds, i dislike shaking hands and i almost never remember someone's name, even moments after i meet a person. and today i shan't do any of these three as it's a holiday and virtually no one is at TechSpace (aside from two colleagues and myself).

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