Friday, February 18, 2011

our daily bread...

One of our agents sent me a thank you note the other day for...

"... continuing to oversee the quality scripts that EP has most recently been developing. There's nothing like a script that makes agents proud and enthusiastic about the product, to make a call center rise to stellar heights!"

The agent went on to say...

"... I especially would like to call your attention, regarding this matter, to the on-point e-mail [recently sent by EP] stressing ethical approaches we should take as we seek our daily bread. It is wonderful that you (and the rest of the staff) are so accessible. It's wonderful to be an expert on this planet!"

What's interesting is A) that an agent would be excited about a telemarketing script, and B) the number of agents who use religious references like "our daily bread" in their emails, or in their signature line (e.g., "God Bless").

I wonder if J.C. would have been a good call center agent, and would he use company emails to proselytize the agent community.

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