Saturday, February 21, 2009

red rocks west...

day four in the desert, and i decided to take a day trip north to sedona.  li'l rachel recommended it, and it turned out to be a great day.  

woke up around 8am, had a nice breakfast (the same i've had the last four days: french toast, scrambled, bacon, fruit, coffee...  getting to be a bit of a chunker actually. anyway...), then drove the two hours to sedona.  before i got to the red rocks (which are beautiful), i saw about 40,000 Saguaro cacti, which i've never seen before (aside from Wile E. Coyote and Roadrunner cartoons).  pretty amazing.  some were massive with what seemed like ten arms.  most only had one or two arms.  why do some have many, and the others have so few, i wonder?

once i got to sedona, i ate lunch (again, getting fat) and then hopped in the jeep.  the jeep was pink.  all the jeep's were pink.  the name of the tour company was Pink Jeep Tours.  a bit odd, but i jumped in anyway (there's a story behind the pinkness but i won't get into that here).  

two hours of jeeping (is that a word?) up the rocks.  we were literally driving up and on top of giant red rocks.  the scenery was amazing.  unfortunately i didn't have my camera, but i did have the meager 2 megapixel iPhone camera.  we'll see how they came out when i load them to FB.  

alan our jeep driver / tour guide knew a lot about cacti and various plants and bushes.   i learned the cacti that looks like mickey mouse ears is actually called prickly pear catci.  interesting.

a good day...  not missing freezing NYC a bit.

now i'm back in the hotel, thinking about checking out The Wrestler... 

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