Tuesday, February 10, 2009

getting closer

the overwhelming majority of my time is spent sitting in a 200 square foot office in union square with my three colleagues, steve, matt and greg, developing this little company. after three months, we are now exactly fourteen days from launching (we hope) our first pilot.

we'll be heading to phoenix to meet our first sales agents. the first few of what we hope will eventually grow to be hundreds of sales agents... thousands? millions? let's not get ahead of ourselves. it should be exciting. nerve-wracking. tiring. fun.

for certain the four of us will don headsets and make calls as well... we've got a little bet for who will be the top seller amongst us. my vote is for steve, who could sell ice to eskimos. me thinks i'll come in a close second.

i hope to have pictures posted on this blog in a couple weeks of the four of us wearing our headsets, which hopefully won't muss our newly InStyler'd hair dos...

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