Wednesday, November 12, 2008

it's day three and...

i'm sitting in our new office in union square all alone.  it's peaceful at the moment.  s.s. is traveling, and m.d. is sick for the second straight day, complaining of fever and explosive vomiting.    
this office is very quiet.  puzzling, given we are sharing office space with a multitude of start-ups like ours, albeit with much younger - and certainly hipper - employees.  i would have assumed it would be a bit more rowdy.   

i've just finished up a tech spec for the expert planet website, and in a moment i will begin drafting a list of the four million things we need to do over the next month to get project #1 up and running.  

as i look at the list of seemingly impossible tasks, i can't help but wonder how the three of us will get them all done.  help!

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