Thursday, November 20, 2008

week two...

this is fun.  i can't say it's exactly what i expected from joining a start-up, but it's pretty close.  we're in a fun office environment, a fun 'hood, and the three of us (matt, steve, me) seem to be laughing and telling ridiculous jokes all day long.  

it's an odd situation i guess, as we're not trying to find start-up money (we've got that), and we're not trying to find clients (they can't wait to get started with us).  we just have to productize and test our way into a working (and profitable) model.  

so, we've got clients waiting, and we know what we want to do. it's a question of how fast we can build it...  

it's the opposite of  'field of dreams' i suppose...  they've come, and we need to build it!

NOTE TO SELF: stop blogging and get back to work

Heard of Tell-a-Friend from SocialTwist?

I am posting this using a new service called Tell-a-Friend from SocialTwist. This service lets me announce about a site or a blog to my friends using Email, IM, Blogs and Social Networks. It can be used to spread the word about search engines results or interesting product offers, blog posts, etc.

This is so different from other such services because:

  • Users can reach out to friends across social networks
  • Simpler and faster means to spread the word
  • Default context-rich message which can be personalized
  • Wide range of buttons and widget themes
  • No sign up, risk-free option
  • No need to copy-paste widget for every change of widget configuration
  • Incisive analytics to measure spread

You can add it to your site or blog for free at: 

Thursday, November 13, 2008

day four means pizza...

matt is back in the office after three days of the flu, so we went to patsy's pizza for lunch (what better way is there to cure the flu?).  

i imagine patsy's will be in the weekly rotation of lunch spots...  very tasty AND they played the smiths the entire time we were there!

back in the office, we're putting more detail around the four million things we need to do before our first program launch... 

god speed...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

it's day three and...

i'm sitting in our new office in union square all alone.  it's peaceful at the moment.  s.s. is traveling, and m.d. is sick for the second straight day, complaining of fever and explosive vomiting.    
this office is very quiet.  puzzling, given we are sharing office space with a multitude of start-ups like ours, albeit with much younger - and certainly hipper - employees.  i would have assumed it would be a bit more rowdy.   

i've just finished up a tech spec for the expert planet website, and in a moment i will begin drafting a list of the four million things we need to do over the next month to get project #1 up and running.  

as i look at the list of seemingly impossible tasks, i can't help but wonder how the three of us will get them all done.  help!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

los campesinos...

approximately every 5.7 months i become absolutely obsessed with a new song.  it's typically passed on to me by one of my friends, usually pete amos (from scratcher), cousin nick, or mike moynihan.

this time pete passed on a little chune called "you! me! dancing!", from a band called los campesinos, hailing from cardiff.  i love the guitar at the beginning, and i love the title... vocals may be a bit naff.  i haven't decided yet.  

nevertheless, i can't stop listening to it.  however, in about 1.3 weeks i'll be soooo tired of it (read: peter, bjorn, + john's young folks from a couple years ago). 

video is fun as well.

the notorious b.h.o.

big victory for b.h.o. last night.  let's hope he assembles an able team to get us out of this mess...  

thank god we've only 2.5 more months of the horrendous g.w.b.