Tuesday, May 3, 2011

gray hairs...

just doing an initial review of items needed for next week's trip to the jungles of honduras...

big new back pack... check
travel guide... check
rain jacket... check (rainy season just started)
malaria pills... not yet
book for the flight... check (new one from mother called "the old patagonia express")
very limited and rusty spanish... check (as paul schkrutz would say while trying to order three beers "tres escuebas por favor!" wtf?)
passport... check

looking at my new passport photo vs. my original passport photo from 15 years ago, it's not even the same person. a full head of dark hair on the old one. what happened to that kid?

as the great adam yauch once said...

"I've got more rhymes than I've got gray hairs
And that's a lot because I've got my share"

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