Monday, April 4, 2011

list of things that ache in my 41 year old body...

i'm turning 41 in two days. over the last few years i've noticed little aches and pains that i never noticed before. here's the current list:

- right hamstring (this one's pretty new, and it's slowing me down a bit when i run)
- left shoulder (it's from the vermont snowboarding trip... from two months ago)
- right shoulder (this one is pretty much gone now, it's from my near fatal attempt at body surfing last july in montauk. two massive waves hit me and kept me underwater for several seconds. i landed awkwardly underwater.)
- left and right knees (they crack all the time, but no severe pain)
- left wrist (a new little thingy that seems to occur when i use the shake weight in the office)
- neck (this one has been around for a decade and is related to the three bulging discs i have in my neck. directly related to years of running. has recently shifted from the left side of neck to the right side. less frequent spasms recently, though.)

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