Friday, October 31, 2008

bye bye auto...

just turned in my leased car. after two years of complaining about how outrageously expensive it was to keep a car in nyc (monthly payments + gargage + insurance + gas tacked on), the second i handed it in, i started missing it.

how will i get out of the city now? looks like it's back to public transportation...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

beer + tequila + rum = 10am wake up...

colleagues took me out for my "leaving drinks" last night, and what started out as a couple beers, turned into a late night bender.

i'm certainly too old to be going out that late and having to come to work the next day. i just can't bounce back like i used to.

for halloween tomorrow, i may go dressed as this guy...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


i voted yesterday by absentee ballot. i'm sad to say it was the first time i've voted in eight years. i unfortunately missed the last one as i was out o' town, and out of pure laziness i didn't bother to get my absentee paperwork in.

could i possibly be responsible for the last four years of george bush? what an awful thought.

anyway, i was very excited to cast my ballot. i walked through driving rain, lightning and thunder to the mailbox on 7th avenue and 34th. on the way there i stepped in a massive puddle. i'll get over it though. at least i'm allowed to vote.

i was really surprised that the act of voting made me feel like i was doing something positive. i hope i'll never miss another election.

Monday, October 27, 2008

my last week at draftfcb...

and i showed up about an hour early to work. strange. shouldn't i be arriving an hour late to work?

my idol, peter gibbons, certainly wouldn't be showing up early on his last week at Initech, would he?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

flu weekend?

i've been sitting (and lying) on my couch for the better part of the weekend, watching far too many football games (redskins won!).  yesterday i thought i was getting the  flu, but today i feel much better.  

i always feel guilty for sitting around, especially on weekends.  yesterday it rained almost the entire day, so i guess i couldn't have done much outside anyway.  today was beautiful, so i forced myself to go for a run.  only about two miles, but i'm glad i did it.  i'm starting to feel much better.  now what's my excuse for sitting on the couch, watching the afternoon games?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

something new...

i resigned from Draftfcb this week! after far too many years working for big ad agencies, i am joining a new start-up venture, Expert Planet. Perhaps a year from now, when i read this post, i will think back to all the fun, craziness, long hours, excitement, and blood, sweat, and tears that went in to making a cool little company...

stay tuned for more posts.


p.s. i met this cool chick named rachel recently...